To Pay a Collection Account
If you have received a mailing from us and would like to pay over the phone or speak to an account representative, call 888-771-3690 M-F 6:00 am – 5:00 pm (PST).
Send in payments to:
P.O. Box 6605 Orange, CA 92863-6605
Please include your Full Name and Account Number.
Jul 23, 2020 USDA Animal Care, a unit within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, administers the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). AWA is Building a NEW SHELTER. Pets for Patriots Adoption Program. Pets for Vets Adoption Program. Seniors for Seniors Adoption Program.
If you would like a receipt please provide the address it should be sent to.
Aware Synonym
Marketing and Sales
To arrange for a detailed analysis of your collection needs or to speak with a marketing specialist, call or email:
Client Services
Local: 714-771-5453
Toll Free: 866-260-3631
AWA Corporate Office
1045 W. Katella Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
AWA Client Services
100 Church Street
Dickson, TN 37055
Awakened Poe Trade
Please be advised that sometimes emails do not provide all of the information that is necessary to locate the account(s) to address a concern. In your email please provide your full name, phone number, address, and your AWA reference number if you have it. This information will help us respond to you in a timely manner. Laws and regulations will prevent us from responding to your email if AWA is not able to properly identify you.